A Second Chance At Faith

September 17, 2013

by Tammy Berard

I have always been very involved in church since giving my life to the Lord in 1997. We practically lived at our first church since my husband and I both worked there. But in 2007 my second child was born and I hit rock bottom spiritually. I was sad all the time, struggling as a mother and questioning my faith. I withdrew from friends and church, and even thought about walking away from the “Christian life.”

I finally shared that struggle with two spiritual mentors in my life, hoping for a second chance at my faith. They immediately picked me up, prayed with me and scheduled weekly meetings with me. In these meetings they would speak the word over my life and they walked me back to a healthy place spiritually and emotionally. They also helped me in the area of nutrition which was beneficial to my emotional struggles as a new mom.

I had two years of amazing spiritual growth after that. We were at a small church at the time and I started a Moms’ ministry in my home. I also took over running the nursery and began helping with the women’s bible studies. I had always organized moms’ groups but this is really where my desire to mentor young mothers and women began.  The enemy of course did not want me to do that and tried his best to fill my head with lies and doubt. I could have easily taken the easy way out and walked away from God, but I didn’t. The women around me didn’t let me, and I am so grateful for that. God takes what the enemy means to hurt us and uses it for our good.  The renewing of our minds through scripture is how we overcome adversity and add fellowship with other believers and we can make it through every trial that comes our way.

I’m so thankful that God used those two beautiful women to show me my true identity in Christ and help me discover the gifts God had placed in me. It is my desire to do the same for other struggling moms and women that God has placed in my life. We all need spiritual mentors and friends of faith in our lives! We weren’t meant to walk through this journey alone.

Do you have spiritual mentors in your life that you can call on when you are struggling? Leave your comments below!  

Tammy has been married to her college sweetheart, Raymond Berard, for 17 years. They have three children ages 12, 6 and 3. Tammy is a previous teacher and school administrator who now enjoys being the keeper of the schedule for her busy family. She is also the current leader of Beautiful Moms and hosts a small group for Married Life. She loves to shop, cook, dance and cheer on her Gators!

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