A Picture of Trust

November 14, 2015

By Wanda Grimsley


I recently enjoyed a day at the spa with a dear friend. Scheduled weeks in advance, it’s a rare treat we were looking forward to with much excitement. Finally there, changing into my robe, I stopped and looked long at the me I was about to reveal to this stranger. I remembered how unfaithful I've been in my skincare regimen, how irregularly I've worked out my body and I sat in that for a moment; regretted that for a moment.

My first treat was a facial and at the risk of sounding weird, I have to say how amazing it felt to have someone else’s hands moving across my face!  It quickly became clear that I was in the hands of a real professional. I’d had facials before, but this lady knew what she was doing. My eyes were already closed as she went to work.

The order in which she applied her products and completed her steps made perfect sense to her…she knew why it needed to be done precisely that way. I had no understanding of her approach, but again, to my surprise, I found myself enjoying not knowing what she was going to do next. It was exhilarating!

First was the heavy, hot steam, so thick I had to adjust my breathing as it settled over my face. Suddenly, I felt something creamy, but rough, followed eventually by a refreshing shift to cold and smooth.

Without warning, she addressed the troubled areas of my skin. She applied very focused pressure, firm but gentle, enough for me to know extra care was needed here. I felt light stinging, which did seem to intensify for a while, but just when I thought I’d need to protest, came cool, soothing relief. I realized I’d completely given myself over to this experience, this professional, and whatever she deemed was the next necessary action for my face.

While I was having the pampering experience, I felt the Holy Spirit say to me, 'THIS is what surrender looks like! This is what I long for with you. Give yourself over to me completely. Let ME do the next best thing in your life. When I shine my light on your troubled places and work my ways in you, you will feel the pressure, you will feel the sting, but it’s never more than you can bear and it will all work for good. Trust ME to know what that is and do it my way.'

'Don’t surrender your cares and regrets to me begrudgingly, as though I’m your last resort, but come with delightful expectation, knowing that I am the Lord, your God. I am THE consummate professional, the only one with perfect power and perfect knowledge. You don’t know what’s coming next, but I do…find joy and peace in that!  Lean into me just as you are, knowing I won’t let you be put to shame. You are in good hands with me, look forward to what I’ll do with confident expectation. I am looking and longing for someone who is expecting me to be good to them. Delight yourself in me, TRULY surrender to my plans for you, and I wilPsalm34-5_originall repair, refresh, and bless you.’


As this encounter wrapped up, I was again pleasantly surprised to feel and taste smooth, warm
honey being spread across my lips. Tears ran from the corners of myeyes and I smiled…I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good!

I am so thankful that God used my spa day to reveal what surrender looks like.  I have a new understanding and know that I can trust Him!


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