A Lifelong Friend

August 19, 2014

by Dani Catherine

As a Beautiful Weekend approaches, I can't help but remember my first time attending a Beautiful Weekend 2 years ago and what God did while I was there.

photo-5 copyYou see, when I signed up, I only knew about a handful of women. I really didn't want to go, to be honest. Nothing about having a weekend with 400 women sounded exciting to me. But, I signed up anyway and took a step out of my comfort zone. At that time, I was new to GFC. I had moved from Boca Raton after graduating from Graduate school, and I was starting a new life in a place where I grew up, and GFC was part of my new life. I prayed and thought about what it would be like to have a friend that I connected with. I longed for a friend that shared the same interest as me, who loved Jesus, and who would accept me for me and all my baggage.

I remember meeting my sister room for the first time at a Beautiful Weekend. I looked across the table and introduced myself to everyone, but there was one girl who stood out. She had funky hair (as do I), an outgoing personality, and her love for Jesus was totally obvious (she was playing the piano that weekend with the worship band). That's when our friendship started.

It was an awesome weekend with God, and many friendships were formed and God even showed me a few things I needed to work on personally, but my take away was meeting Taylor. I didn't think I would ever meet a friend that encourages me, laughs with me, cries with me, and shares the same interest as me (like changing our hair color ever month or so..hehe!), until I met Taylor. After a Beautiful Weekend, our friendship started off getting breakfast almost every week for 9 months straight, to me meeting her first born son, Jax, on the day he was born, to her consoling me when I went through heartbreak. We both have had some big life changing events in our lives since we met 2 years ago, and I wouldn't have wanted to walk through it without her. I am beyond grateful that God placed someone in my life who sharpens me and challenges me to love like Jesus. Taylor is my person and a lifelong friend.

My prayer for you is that you take a step outside your comfort zone. That voice in your head that is saying "You don't have to go to A Beautiful Weekend, you don't know anybody!" is a lie. It is a lie because God has ordained a divine appointment for you to meet your person; your lifelong friend. Hope to see you there!!

For more information about a Beautiful Weekend, go to www.abeautifulweekend.com


Dani Catherine


Dani Catherine works at GFC as the Ministry Assistant to the Beautiful Ministry. Dani loves to bake, scream her head off at hockey games, drink tea, paint, snap photos and spend time with her dog Jeter!

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