A Free Gift

June 9, 2023

Rita Early, Grace Family Church Carrollwood

     Recently, my youngest daughter scored free graham crackers and a drink for a whole week! How, you ask? The aftercare director saw my child’s sweet cherub face when we picked up my eldest from school and then asked if she’d like a snack. Overjoyed, she accepted profusely nodding her head then thanked the director.

 The following day on the drive to school she asked if she’d be able to get snacks again. I told her no. “But why?” she said. “Because this is not your school. In the fall when you go to kinder you can have all the snacks you want.”Not willing to drop the issue she continued, “But I like snacks. I want a snack. Please, mom, can I have a snack?” Thinking I’d lose my mind if I didn’t get her to stop pleading while I drove, I negotiated, “If you want a snack you will have to ask Ms. Bea for it yourself.” 

Upon entering the school cafeteria, my daughter clung to my hand for support as she addressed Ms. Bea “May I have a snack,” she said in a whisper. “What’s that, honey?” Ms. Bea said. I repeated the request. Ms. Bea smiled. “Of course, you can have a snack. You’re going to be a Kindergartner here soon. I’ll show you where we keep them and whenever you stop by you can help yourself.” My daughter followed Ms. Bea to the bins then literally skipped merrily back toward me, smiling from ear to ear.

I stood by amazed, fully aware that God was at work revealing something to me, but what exactly? Was it about being persistent like the Persistent Widow in Luke 18:1 who continued to present her request to God? Or, was He teaching me to be bold like Peter in Matt 14:28 daring to get out of the boat?

Yes.Yes, and so much more.

Later that evening, I typed the word “child” into my Bible search engine and Luke 18:17 came up, “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Hmmm… How had my little child received her first gift? With joy and gratitude. She had not earned it. She was chosen, all she had to do was accept it. On the second day, she went back to the source of the free gift in humility, with hope and expectation, unwilling to be deterred. Because of her relationship to the source, she now had full access to the free gift. Her request was fulfilled above and beyond her expectation.  

Wow! God had revealed how to receive the kingdom like a little child - with joy and gratitude, as well as, how to approach the throne – with humility, hope, and expectation. He reminded me that as His daughter I have full access to Him and that He can do exceedingly above and beyond my wildest expectations. 

Sisters, let's receive Him like a little child.

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