A Beautiful Weekend

October 29, 2013

All month we’ve featured testimonies from our speakers and blog writers who attended A Beautiful Weekend! One of our favorite parts of A Beautiful Weekend is the testimonies we receive from the women who attended. Many women walk away from a Beautiful Weekend changed, healed and set free from hurts in their past. To wrap up our month, we wanted to share some testimonies we received! We hope that these testimonies give you encouragement!

 “God made me see that there is healing, that He does love me and that I can do all things through Him.”

“God helped me to realize that I am on the right track and I CAN have faith in Him because HE IS my Father!”

“I was overwhelmed with a sense of peace and a greater acceptance of myself.”

“I came feeling like I didn’t deserve His love and that I wasn’t loved. But NOW I know that He loves me and my word was “DELIGHTED IN”!

"I came with a weight in my heart and confusion of what I was going to pray for 1st. After the break out session of “Kissing myself goodbye”, I made a decision to give not only my daily situations to God but my life…”

“God confirmed me one more time that I am not alone and I won’t be…He is walking by my side.”

“I let go of some traits that I thought “made me”, but all along they were holding me back. I left them at the altar and don’t plan on letting the enemy make me pick them back up.”

“God gave me reassurance and confirmation of the reasons why He has entrusted me with so many of His precious gifts.”

“I came face to face with God and left things at the cross that I haven’t been able to let go of.”

Share your testimonies and comments below on your experience at a Beautiful Weekend!

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